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Friday, March 9, 2018

Advantage and disadvantage of mobile friendly website


 Mobile Friendly Website is that types of website in which we can also go to those website by our mobile.Some people face many problems through when they know it is not mobile friendly website because they have not a pc,laptop.So they didnt complete their work  from those website even they are top in google ranking .so they want to complete their work through  another website so this is the loss of the website.By this information you know that what is the important s of mobile friendly website.
In today's time Google develope a new rule about the mobile friendly website,that rule is when your website isnot mobile friendly then you never reach in rankings even if you pay much more amount . when this rule is apply by google,then your website automatically reach to a low level.Then your bussiness is slowly reaches to low level.Then your bussiness is degrading slowly.This is the main disadvantage of not being a mobile friendly website.


1.Improve User Experiences:

   Mobile websites are specifically designed for handheld devices - nobody wants to browse a desktop website on their smartphone! Research on mobile website usability shows that mobile-optimized websites significantly improve user experience and satisfaction, which makes a positive impression when it counts.

2.Faster Download speed:

   Mobile websites are specifically designed for mobile standards and optimal download speed, which means less waiting and more browsing.

3.Engagement and context:

    A mobile website allows you to immediately engage users with mobile-specific features such as click-to-call, mapping functions. Furthermore, if you're a local business mobile is particularly significant as more and more visitors will find your site through location-aware technology that connects users to your website when they are in immediate geographic proximity.

4.Improve search\improve seo:

A mobile website provides improved rankings on mobile-friendly search engines such as Google and Yahoo, and also allows placement in a growing number of mobile and local directories.

5.Brand Identity:

Actions speak louder than words - a mobile website immediately helps you stand out and presents a positive, contemporary brand identity for your organization. A mobile-optimized website makes a positive statement before you've said anything.

6.Protability and connectivity:

 A mobile website can be accessed anywhere, any time. This level of constant connectivity provides an unprecedented opportunity to connect with target audiences in new ways, wherever they may be.

7.Compititive Advantage:

A mobile website puts you in a position to stand out among competitors - if your website doesn't look good on a smartphone users will move on to one that does. A mobile website ensures that you - not your competitors - capture visitor attention while you have it. 

8.Integration with offline media:

Mobile devices are unique in their ability to immediately bridge the gap between online and offline media through the use of QR codes. QR codes can be displayed in print and then, when scanned with a smartphone, translated into electronic messaging such as a website URL, an email address or SMS message. QR codes have been used regularly in Japanese and European advertising for years, and are now getting increasing usage in the US. This means that your advertisements, brochures, posters - even billboards - can contain QR codes that will direct users to mobile landing pages that contain much more information and interactivity than can be afforded on the printed page. This integration between print and web via mobile adds a new dimension of communication to any advertising or outreach effort.

9.More flexible and cost Effective than app development:

A mobile website is generally a much less restrictive means to build a mobile presence compared to app development. For one thing, app development requires the production of different apps for different platforms (e.g. iPhone vs. Android vs. Blackberry), and submission to an app store, making apps much more fragmented and expensive to produce with a longer timeline before they reach target visitors. Most importantly, an app requires users to download the app before it can be accessed. On the other hand, a mobile website is universal to all contemporary smartphone browsers, making a mobile website more flexible and cost efficient, with fewer barriers between you and your target users. Of course, there are some applications that are better-suited to an app format (interactive games being a primary example), and often it makes sense to have both an app and a mobile website. But for a well-rounded mobile presence a mobile-optimized website is generally a practical and effective first step. Learn more about mobile websites vs. mobile apps.

10.New Advertising oppertunities:

Mobile advertising is growing at a rapid pace and presents many new opportunities for reaching target audiences with unprecedented precision. If your organization advertises on Google AdWords or other PPC networks there's a good chance your ads may also be appearing in mobile listings (depending on your account settings). However, with mobile advertising you'll want to ensure that your ads lead to mobile-optimized landing pages, rather than your regular desktop site, for optimal results and maximum ROI.


The mobile web is no longer a concept - it's a mainstream reality that will impact any organization that aims to communicate with target audiences online. Most leading industry analysts project that within a few short years, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide. The responsibility now falls on website owners to take advantage of the unique opportunities mobile offers for connecting with the growing number of visitors who will inevitably access their website on mobile device.


  • Needs to show the content that website visitors want to see. This links into the first advantage above – you can provide mobile-optimised content, but you need to make sure the content is right. If research isn’t done and the wrong content is chosen mobile users may be unsatisfied and have a negative experience. In addition, remember that a well-thought-through responsive website will adapt to a mobile user’s needs anyway.

  • Harder to optimise for all devices and screen sizes. There are so many different devices on the market that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so a mobile site won’t be the right size for all screens etc.

  • What happens to visitors returning from different devices? If a visitor can find one piece of information on a desktop, but can’t locate it again when they return on their mobile device then the experience could be negative.

  • Requires separate maintenance – content needs to be updated and managed twice over. This is generally the responsibility of your web agency, but it’s definitely worth bearing in mind when the time comes to update offers etc.

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